

About me

My name is Maren Seifart, I was born in 80 and I run a small paddock with white hornless heather sheep in Northern Hesse, more precisely in the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park region. I have been breeding this rare breed of sheep in the herdbook since 2008.

I am a qualified lawyer and social pedagogue by nature, but even as a child I always enjoyed being in nature and on various farms.

My loyal companions and working dogs are my Border Collies. Since 2002 I have been working very intensively on the topic of border collies and since then I have been able to call a border collie bitch my own. Two more followed.

On the following pages I would like to introduce you to my hobby in our beautiful region as well as my four-legged employees in more detail and give you a little insight into this.
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